Thursday, August 22, 2013

August 11-22

Well, I do not know where to began. I started rowing and I am loving it. I get to exercise in a fun way. I am trying out for the Junior Crew, and I really hope I make it. I have been practicing like crazy. In church, in the store, at night, anytime. Pickles has been alone more since I started this and she seems to be doing fine. This is how it has been for the past days. 

The only knew exciting thing that Pickles is doing is she is going to "dog school". Today was her first lesson and we have learned a lot already. She did not go crazy when she saw the other dogs, which was surprising. I think she really likes the class.  

I am sorry that there was not too much excitement, but I promise more with the next post.

I started another blog! If you want to check it out, it is called Do Dolphins Wear Swim Suits? 

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Celebrating and Valuable Lessons

August 10,

Hello, I do not have to much to report today. I woke up on the later side then I usually do so I did not have much of a morning. When I got up Pickles came to say good morning. My dad made me an egg sandwich and a hash brown. I watched TV with Pickles on my lap. I got ready for the day.

Pickles has been itching her ear a lot. So my mom took her to the vet. I made my aunt a birthday card while she was there. She came back and my mom told me that the vet says it is inflamed but it is not an infection. I was very happy to hear that. 

I did not get to see her much today because I went to a party at my uncles house. He was celebrating one year without smoking and my aunt's birthday. I gave her a big hug when I got home. I missed her a lot so I hope she gets use to us being gone for a while during the school year. When ever I have the chance, I will spend as much time with her as I can.


I also wanted to talk about smoking. My uncle use to smoke and he knew it was bad for him so her stopped. However, I know stopping is not easy. He used something that made him feel like he was smoking but was not. I hope that it helps other people like my uncle because smoking is very bad for you.


Friday, August 9, 2013

Pickles Camping and Pickles off Leash.....

Hello, it is me again. Sorry I haven't posted in a while. A lot of time has passed and it started to feel like Pickles started to get use to everything that goes on. However right when she was getting use to everything, we load up our trailer and go camping. She was not expecting that let me tell you that. My dad wanted to try something with Pickles. He was wondering what would happen if he took her off the leash. He did that and she started sniffing around. Everything was going okay, until the other dog walked by.

When the other dog walked by, she went crazy. She started running towards the other dog to play. My brother, Mr. Davis and his kids (the people we were camping with), my mom, my dad, and I took off running after her. I was faster than the others so I almost had her until she went under some bushes. My brother almost had her on the other side but then lost her. My dad eventually grabbed her. She ran from us thinking we were playing a game with her.

One of the problems that we were having was that Pickles was barking like crazy, inside, outside, you name it. But no barking compared to her barking when we took her on a walk. She would go insane! We got so tired of her crazy barking that we went to Pet Co. and got a Pet Corrector. A Pet Corrector is a spray can that makes the sound that all kinds of cats, lions, tigers, cheetahs, leopards, any kind makes when they are  mad. The first time we used it was at camp. It worked like a charm. She did not bark after that.

When we got home, we took her on a walk. She started barking and my dad sprayed the Pet Corrector and Pickles gave him a very funny look. If she could talk, she would have said, "I thought you left that thing at camp." When my dad kept walking she laid down in the grass and stayed there. My dad had to pick her up to get her to keep walking. She did not walk fast at all. She looked like one depressed dog.

After that she realized that every time she barked, that is what was coming after. She is learning very fast and that is good because we would not want the neighbors complaining about it. Again, I am sorry that I have not been posting every day, but I will try to post every other day. When school starts again I will be posting once every week.