Hello, I do not have to much to report today. I woke up on the later side then I usually do so I did not have much of a morning. When I got up Pickles came to say good morning. My dad made me an egg sandwich and a hash brown. I watched TV with Pickles on my lap. I got ready for the day.
Pickles has been itching her ear a lot. So my mom took her to the vet. I made my aunt a birthday card while she was there. She came back and my mom told me that the vet says it is inflamed but it is not an infection. I was very happy to hear that.
I did not get to see her much today because I went to a party at my uncles house. He was celebrating one year without smoking and my aunt's birthday. I gave her a big hug when I got home. I missed her a lot so I hope she gets use to us being gone for a while during the school year. When ever I have the chance, I will spend as much time with her as I can.
I also wanted to talk about smoking. My uncle use to smoke and he knew it was bad for him so her stopped. However, I know stopping is not easy. He used something that made him feel like he was smoking but was not. I hope that it helps other people like my uncle because smoking is very bad for you.
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